- American ISPs to launch massive copyright spying scheme on July 12 – http://t.co/qejOEzM6 #
- I have collected 3 tents over the years, and now I have the impulse to acquire another. http://t.co/JKTk9xaX #
- This virutal rave reminds me of that Southpark episode on WoW. You know the one. http://t.co/wsi1w14h #
- Was reminded of @ewerx when viewing these infographic-like images from Complexity Graphics. http://t.co/KQCrPB1T #
- "The deeper that sorrow carves into your being, the more joy you can contain." ~ Kahlil Gibran #quote #
- Tweet Topic Explorer has just helped me visualize my twitter feed as colored keywords: http://t.co/6mlRn45Y #
- Dance photography with so many defined lines of action. http://t.co/cCncpjrK #
- Photos of abandoned places. From Fukushima to Chernobyl, to Spain and Detroit. [thanks Michelle Pollard]: http://t.co/ypwxUesk #
- Copyright math shows we need SOPA/ACTA to restore thousands jobs… that never existed. #owned http://t.co/6CPS2RnO #
- Quits job & says, "The old Google was a great place to work. The new one? .. -1" [via @VenessaMiemis @docjamesw] : http://t.co/yxRJBqcr #
- Got a spare flash drive? Here's an original idea for file sharing, off the cloud. http://t.co/6jtnkenL #
- First RSA, and now TED launches animated channel. http://t.co/Vw0kHwNq #
- Please work more hours so we can produce less. Thanks. http://t.co/Uq8Q3SL4 #
- High silver prices has been hindering solar production, but sounds like that is changing. [via Angus Wakefield] http://t.co/9xJ3GvfJ #
- Procedural goodies, including animated GIFs & white papers from Spore developer: http://t.co/zTVD63XP #
- Advice on how to be creative in the game industry. To be a cog in the machine or a lone wolf? #GDC [via @spacearmada] http://t.co/yt0uGl1O #
- Advice on how to be creative in the game industry. To be a cog in the wheel or a lone wolf. #GDC [via @spacearmada] http://t.co/yt0uGl1O #
- Work still killing you? Tim Ferris helps convert your office into something a little more body friendly. http://t.co/UayPGTjg #
- Zoomable map of the universe can make one feel pretty small: [via Zack Mosley] http://t.co/GyV13aek #
- Merchants of Cool (Full Version), featuring Limp Bizkit, Britney and ICP http://t.co/DNSw4X0T #
- Priceless 2.5 hour panel discussion on the tea party, occupy wall street, Egypt's Tahrir square and other movements. http://t.co/PgziKpuQ #
- Red threads tie the rotoscoped characters together with the music nicely. 😉 Great work @Jesse_Davidge http://t.co/TqgLlFT5 #
- How to get your workforce realling performing? Sample some examples of "gamification": http://t.co/EPsScxSb #
- Rushkoff points out a new role for the one percent. http://t.co/Mp8S340g #
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