- Brian Cox explains quantum mechanics with the help of some celebrities. http://t.co/IdazHaK4 #\
- Task time tracking: Using Toggl. Very simple and effective, with Android and iPhone apps available. [thx @lizgallo] : http://t.co/ucQE91Om #
- Hotot – TWitter / Identi.ca client for Ubuntu seems like a good substitute for Qwibber. #
- Linux Tip: Configured KTimerTracker (KDE) text color using “systemsettings” app, : http://t.co/Uwj4RWwJ #
I just discovered Drunk History, and I likey. http://t.co/wb5BavVn #
- Visualizing your brain on shrooms, booze and cigarettes… not all at once. http://t.co/W8kEH1Sk #
- Sacred Geometry – design portfolio presentation [via Zach Zoski] : http://t.co/8YP4830O #
- “How To Steal Like An Artist” book is coming out in Feb. For now, here’s the inspiring blog article version: http://t.co/2QcnTJ5a #
- Thorough introduction of Linux shell commands. http://t.co/EhWe40Jm #
- Mysteries of the Star Wars prequels solved… kinda. [great infotainment via Greg Hunsburger] http://t.co/IBJiAmv4 #
- The MRI scans showed lowered bloodflow to regions linked to the ego… due to mushrooms. http://t.co/j6oBzxqU #
- Apple expects employees to be their own IT department. w0rd – http://t.co/qxiVW9h3 #
- Discovered Malcolm Sutherland’s sketchbook & animations after watching the Star Wars Uncut crowdsource project. http://t.co/ANWwqQ5n #
- Seeing the repeating simplicity by visualizing powerful networks with Manuel Lima. http://t.co/fes02pdI #
- Jaaam (The Fresh Prince Remix) – Hurry up and view this beauty before a SOPA-like act gets passed and this disappears: http://t.co/3esd6IIL #
- Into Eternity, a fascinating documentary on nuclear waste storage. Releases Feb 2nd. http://t.co/7sW8aGxW #
- Do you have a local backup of your Gmail emails? http://t.co/UtbysRlJ #
- Flow demonstration by Eyedea (R.I.P.) and SLUG. [via Tony D.] http://t.co/83YRmrQb #
- Blender offers a 3D camera tracking solution, for those wanting to save themselves thousands of dollars and stay legit: http://t.co/fxQaNBKZ #
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