DeepDream – a code example for visualizing Neural Networks
via Gizmodo article on DeepDream
Journey through the layers of the mind from Memo Akten on Vimeo.
DeepDream – a code example for visualizing Neural Networks
via Gizmodo article on DeepDream
Journey through the layers of the mind from Memo Akten on Vimeo.
Gource is a bit of open code that creates time lapse videos to visualize file trees being created.
I was recently introduced a Firefox extension that allows you to visualize your website in 3D. Tilt, is an amazingly powerful tool that can help you immediacy see the nested layers of CSS elements.
Nature by Numbers by ETERIA.
If only this became the new definition of “infographics”.
And here’s a Youtube link for those of you on smartphones.
I saw the beginnings of Drew’s visualization of DNA replication about 8 years ago in L.A. Have things improved since then? Well, my cheeks start to hurt when I think of how happy I am for him. Watch this.
Vi Hart’s blog is another visual explanation of math in nature.
Constructing the Universe w/ Michael Schneider
Spirit Science’s presentation on sacred geometry creates an intense ride through the many patterns that can be found in nature and describes it’s effects on our consiousness… and our consciousness on it!
What is Pi? Simple animations can help see where the 3.14 comes from.
Finally, if you are super geek, Professor Norman J. Wildberger has gone back in time to explain how trigonometry was supposed to be taught. I swear, my dread would have been turned to love, had I been exposed to trig like this.
In a style similar to Girl Talk, this mash-up moves through 23 Daft Punk tracks and uses HTML5 and CSS3 in order to visualize all the layers, cuts and waveforms in real time.
You can use the timeline on the bottom to skip around. It would have been neat to be able to toggle each track on and off, but I haven’t found anything in here that allows for that… yet.
The most impressive part is that no Flash was used to create this! Awesome. There is hope for the future of the internet.
“The Man In Blue” also has a link in the upper right to download the mix as an MP3.
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