
Inspiring Places to Live


I am going to need to invest in some more rope… and maybe a few sets of monkey bars.  See more at:

22 Dreamy Art Installations You Want To Live In.

thx Lainer!

Some more home improvement ideas via Jen Bobcat Conway!

Dog's home under the stairs

My own phone and apartment?

What’s this? Jeremy is going to live on his own again? He has a phone too? Dance lessons too!? Yes, it’s about time and although I planned on doing it in the near future, plans were accelorated a bit. Why? Because I’ve noticed that my plans because excuses to procrastinate. If I was waiting for security, well, I know what there got me in the past.

I have a cellphone now. I have it through Koodo. I have no contract and I get charged by the second, not rounded up to the nearest minute. I won’t get into the plan details, but it’s just what I need. Already addicted to this text messaging. Though, I’ve learned my lesson in the past so I won’t be abusing it. The phone is slick. Boy, has technology updated since since I last owned a phone. I have an LG Keybo, which basically looks lke a normal phone, but flips open to a QWERTY keyboard.

I’m moving. Yup, I found my own apartment. My transit time to work has been cut by about 10 minutes and I’m right on top of the library. Everyone knows how I love the Vancouver Public Libarary system. I’m on the 5th floor, facing east.  Yes, I finally have a balcony again. Picked up Apartment Therapy from the local interior design store, on Main St. Pretty inspiring stuff in there. They’ve also got a blog worth checking out.

Started taking dance lessons a few weeks back. I’ve been playing around with Ceroc, which is fun. It’s a simple and very chill atmosphere. Don’t even need proper dance shoes. On top of that, I started taking private lessons at one of Vancouver’s premiere dance studios. That place DOES require proper dance shoes, though I got some that are basically sneakers with dance soles. My teacher thought they were neat.

Oh why didn’t I start lessons sooner? Shy? Nervous of looking like a fool? Scared to dance all sweaty palmed with the ladies? Well, I just don’t care anymore… and that alone has cut down on the sweat factor. Teacher is graet and private lessons certainly help aleviate the stress. Though, group lessons and parties are part of the package, so I won’t be babied too much.

Last night I finally discovered the dance style that Cecilia was winning trophies for, back in Sweden. She used to always refer to it as “jive”, but it turns out it’s called “bugg” (pronounced “boog” in Swedish). It’s the fookin Jitterbug!! These steps are what drove me to go checkout swing in the first place! Oh my. Jeremy’s heart skipped a beat. I love that techy step and, in Sweden, they do this dance to a 4/4 beat.

Look at these Swedes rock it out in Halmstad.

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