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Weekly Digest

Weekly Digest

Weekly Digest

Learning Houdini

Simple Houdini pipeline. from Vlad Yudin on Vimeo.

Houdini recently released it’s fully functional and commercial “Houdini Indie” product for $200 (for companies making under $100k per year).

With that annoucement, Zak had asked me, “Where a great place to start learning?”  Yes, it can be very intimidating, but if you have a specific use in mind it is TOTALLY doable without the years of experience that some expect. That being said, ya gotta know the basics and here’s some resources to get you started… starting with the free stuff!

Peter Quint: This guy is my hero and his videos are priceless. Here’s a direct link to the “Basics”… but don’t forget the other 150 videos that he has online.

3DBuzz: Houdini Fundamentals for H9

SideFX: Creators of Houdini have a huge selection of tutorials, including an introduction to the interface. Once again, don’t forget to check the sidebar to see the massive collection they have available.

Paid source for training include CMIVFX and Digital Tutors.

Other sources include the SideFX online forum or

Weekly Digest

Weekly Digest

Weekly Digest

  • Give her your strength and she'll give you her softness. 2014-07-09
  • Animation Paper for $20 ($69 for mac). Animation, gesture drawing practice, doodles. #indiegogo ends this month. 2014-07-07
  • Batman: Arkham City is… wow. Some serious character math going on here. Action blending like I'm a viewer… yet feel like a participant. 2014-07-05
  • I went through this a few months back. My Google+ is still linked with Youtube. 2014-07-05

Seeing/Making Spaces

Having a maker’s space within walking distance, I consider myself very fortunate as I didn’t know it was there till I moved in to my house. Though, I won’t consider myself “lucky”, as we chose this area specifically for reasons like that (it’s also next door to a meadery).

What’s a “maker’s space”? Well then you have yet another reason to watch the following talk. Thx Voigt!

Seeing Spaces from Bret Victor on Vimeo.

Education via Humor

This is applicable beyond Net Neutrality… and it’s hilarious.

Tesla, an inventor with zero business sense. Surprised they didn’t mention Edison’s love for doing live demonstrations of cooking animals with AC current.

Weekly Digest

Re-Learning Mathematics

This collection grows with time, so come back to check it out sometime in the future. If it stays quite for too long, ping me and let me know!

New 3D animation techniques have me revisiting mathematics. In my math book research, I found this information below to be particularly interesting and/or useful.

Perspective! by David Chelsea
Why not start with a bit of inspiration first? Would you be inspired to know that you can learn to draw environments like a professional comic book artist… while also forming questions as to why all these proportions line up almost magically.

Precalculus Mathemetics in a Nutshell by George F. Simmons
AH! It looks like a text book!! Don’t worry, it’s actually tiny, at about 100 pages. The author teaches calculus and states that he teaches precalculus (algebra, geometry and trigonometry) in a single day. It will take most of us longer than that… but this information gives a great grounding position to pounce off from.

The Secrets of Triangles by Alfred S. Posamentier
I’ve only read a few sections, but this appears to be a great place to start for those that want to understand points in space and their relations to each other.

Measurement by Paul Lockhart
It’s all about the relationships. Want to play with some math without writing letters or numbers? Start here.

Euclid’s Window by Leonard Mlodinow  (haven’t read yet, but I kept encountering it while looking at the books above).

For the 3D animation programmer out there, you have quite a few to select from and I will have to take some time in the future listening those out, as well.

For the person who hates math, I recommend checking this list out, as it may help you understand where math becomes beautiful.

Anatomy Trains

facial maridians

I have been a yoga practitioner since 2009 (though not as often as I should). I started because of injuries on my arm aquired while working on a computer. I found this book very helpful in translating the spiritual abstracts of our bodies into recognizable physical muscle patterns that we can trace from head to toe. Meridians are measurable!

Weekly Digest

Weekly Digest

Vim Colors

First thing to do if I’m going to use Vim as my default text editor, is to get the colors looking good.

First, I’ve downloaed a theme (for example distinguished.vim) and placed it in my newly created ~/.vim/colors folder.

Next, I created a ~/.vimrc file and entered the following contents:

syntax on
colorscheme distinguished
set t_Co=256

Finally, if I type in tput colors into a terminal window, it tells me I have 8 colors. Even though my themes still appear to work in Vim, an error gets reported upon opening Vim.

To fix this error, I’ve edited my ~/.bashrc file and entered the following line.

export TERM=xterm-256color

Now tput colors reports 256 colors and Vim no longer reports an error when automatically loading my distinguished.vim file.

For those looking for a new Vim color theme, here’s a good place to look and another list of 10 good ones via VimNinjas.

I must admit though… colors still seem to be a bit wacky for me, as they don’t match the theme examples listed on the web page.

Vim – lighting fast text editor

It sounds like “lightning fast” is just another typical headline for viral Facebook post, which automatically makes me feel as if I’m not giving Vim enough credit.

I typically use basic text when writing on my pc, and I sometimes create light code or html. Since I originally used a Windows machine, I have used Notepad, Context, Notepad++, etc. After moving to Linux, I was usually operating in gedit. It wasn’t until recently till I started shopping for another solution. Since we’re talking about BASIC TEXT, I felt it was pretty critical to choose an open source tool. I don’t like the idea of using a closed source tool in order to help me speak.

I have spent a bit of time looking, testing and reading comment and I think I’ve got a pretty good hold on the text editor options out there. The same names pop up pretty frequently… though one editor has always stood out as being a legend in this area, though it does not have a GUI. Vi or Vim.

I’m a big fan of not having to jump onto the mouse constantly, especially after realizing the RSI that the mouse was causing me.

What is Vim? Alan Thomas does a great job of introducing Vim and looks at it through the lens of “sentences”, comparing the keystrokes to nouns, verbs, etc. He also includes some great example uses.

So now the learning begins. This experience is much like when I had to force myself to touch type. I was slower at typing for a few days, but after 3 days of practice, I was almost twice as fast of a typist as I was before I touch-typed. Initial investment is pretty low compared to the benefits!

First step was to force myself to get comfortable in using hjkl in order to navigate around the page. The first 3 levels of VIM Adventure helped with that.

Other Vim Resources

Learn Vim Progressively

Cheat Sheets
Vim common actions in catagories
Vim Quck Reference Card (PDF)
Best of Vim Tips

Like a Pro
Vim teaser quickly demonstrating some editing magic.
Ben Orenstein’s expert level vim talk (40 minutes) shows how deep you can get.

Why learn Vim?
Best way to master
Is it worth the effort?
7 reasons Vim is your text editor

More Interactive Ways To Learn
OpenVim’s tutorial
Sitting at a Linux computer and want muscle memory to assist your text editing? As Alan reminds us, just type this in a terminal window:

Bookmarks in Nautilus

Using Nautilus 3.4.*, I decided it was time to rename/remove the distracting unused bookmarks in Nautilus (file explorer GUI).

Found this thread which has the solution.

In Nautilus click view > Show Hidden Files then from your home directory go to /.config/ in there you will find a file called user-dirs.dirs this contains the entries under ‘Computer’.


If you change, for example, XDG_DOWNLOAD_DIR=”$HOME/Downloads to just XDG_DOWNLOAD_DIR=”$HOME/” the downloads folder will no longer show up under ‘Computer’ in the sidebar.

You can also just comment out every line, in which case it will only show ‘Home’, ‘File System’ and ‘Trash’. It will keep those other directories as bookmarks though so you can do what you like with them.

This will not remove the ‘Computer’ entry entirely, just remove its entries, but it will make it look considerably cleaner. Sorry I can’t help on the ‘Network’ Entry.

Sources: Personal experience trying to restore missing entries under ‘Computer’.

Animated Infographics

Stuxnet: Anatomy of a Computer Virus
tech history

Stuxnet: Anatomy of a Computer Virus from Patrick Clair on Vimeo.

Bitcoin Explained
the technical can be visable

Bitcoin Explained from Duncan Elms on Vimeo.

The Innovation of Loneliness
How we can become disconnected in all this connectedness.

The Innovation of Loneliness from Shimi Cohen on Vimeo.

Fracking explained – opportunity or danger

Fracking explained – opportunity or danger from Kurzgesagt on Vimeo.

Rear Window Timelapse
stich together the pieces of a Hitchcock mystery to get the whole picture

Rear Window Timelapse from Jeff Desom on Vimeo.


BBC KNOWLEDGE 60 from iamrader on Vimeo.

We don’t have to get lost in the details.

GENESIS from Malevo on Vimeo.

What are you doing here?

Procrastination from Johnny Kelly on Vimeo.

Deutsche Telekom
or maybe keep it pretty and conceptual

Deutsche Telekom “Das Netz der Zukunft” from Original Program on Vimeo.

School Yearbooks

Just read the comments in my 9th grade school yearbook. I was a sweet, funny and annoying guy… who was to have a great summer.

I look very small in my class photo.

Newly Married

I sit here alone and think of her (she’s out climbing a wall right now).
I’m remembering the incredible friends she has and I see how well she gets along with mine. She treats other humans and animals with respect, yet doesn’t hesitate to share how she feels. Artistic. Dancy. Giving and not materialistic. She is showing me a whole new level of empathy and trust.

She gave me a bracelet for my birthday. Leather straps holding a plate that has the geographic coordinates of the beach that we met on.

Funny to realize that I spent so much of my life not even allowing myself to feel what I feel right now.

I don’t consider myself “lucky”, but I am very grateful and I will do all I can in order to be worthy of such a gift.



** UPDATE **  February 1st, 2015

Almost 1 year later and my marriage has fallen apart (to put it mildly). The empathy I was understanding was real… but it was growing from within. The unconditional giving I was feeling was also from within, along with the new levels of trust I was experiencing.

It was a gift. There are no regrets. I have learned more than I would have ever expected to learn in such a short amount of time. I honour what I have attracted and will nurture all these unexpected lessons. My world has been spun around and it continues to shift. As I am healing myself, so will I be able to heal others.

These lessons are priceless. I am grateful. Recognising the mental grasping and hope that I was holding on to…  instead of acknowledging the deep troubles we were experiencing. I allowed myself to be the focus of change, yet witnessed very little reciprocation of this change in my partner, which was not healthy. We can help one another, but we should not allow change to be forced upon us by someone who “love”s us. I have found strength in empathy and learned how to feel another’s experience without it crippling me. I am now able to hold my space and I understand what real “boundaries” are. No longer will I ignore the challenges and only focus on the good.

I understand now what it is like to love, for I feel it through my head, my heart and my belly. The tingles push to the extremities of my limbs. These feelings would be easy to measure in an emotional heat map. The word “trust” now describes the flow, not the blockage.

I did not find myself in another. Another has helped me find myself within.

Funny that I chose bots.  🙂

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