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Creator of “I Met the Walrus” Directs “My Hometown”

Jerry Levitan, creator of I Met the Walrus, directs this new animation with Yoko Ono narrating. Watch My Hometown for an inspiring message about directing positive energy in order to improve communities, whether local or distant.

LAIKA’s ParaNorman Trailer

From the creator’s of Coraline, LAIKA presents ParaNorman. Looks like this could have benefited from a Halloween release. Oh well. It seems that we’ll have to wait till August.

Weekly Digest – 2011-10-31

Efficient Dynamics in Houdini

I’ve been trying to put together a Tron-like effect in Houdini, and so far it’s coming along great… other than it being REALLY REALLY SLOW.

However, it turn out that there’s some SOPs in Houdini that I’m using that aren’t very efficient, plus instancing of shaders has some issues as well. On top of this, I’m not using ODE rigid body dynamics, which are supposed to be pretty fast. This video from the opening credits of film The Curious Case of Benjamin Button demonstrates someone using ODE in Houdini… with some pretty nice results, like this…

Although, with a little more research, it looks like Bullet is the way to go. Oh… oh yes, this slightly more powerful. 😛

Crowds in Nature

Not talking about humans… but ants and birds.

Weekly Digest – 2011-10-24

Dance Video Collection

Keone and Mariel Madrid dance to Bob Marley.

Lil Buck w/ Yo Yo Ma

Robot Boys… being robots (thx to Oliver Twist for referring me to this).

La Preuve Par 4 (AKA: Dubstep Dance France), rock it out In a similar style.

Liquid Pop Collective: For something a little more fluid, here’s some liquid demonstrations. I could swear that one of these clips is from DEMF.

Quixotic Fusion is interacting with projections.

Glitch performing Existence

Marquese Scott (aka NONSTOP) is also known as the “dubstep robot” and his performance remains as one of the most out-of-this-word performances I have seen in recent memory. This video also gained him a spot on the Ellen DeGeneres show.

Genki Sudo – WORLD ORDER”2012″
Japense synchro-dance in business suits

via Jeff Skelton

TURF FEINZ dancing in the rain might not be a head-turner, but I’m sure it was for the drivers who passed by.

Robert Muraine’s So You Think You Can Dance audition

Phillip Chbeeb’s second audition on So You Think You Can Dance

Here’s a link to his first audition.

Bryan Gaynor (robot boy) on So You Think You Can Dance

After so much popping, I need to mention the quick and light footwork of house dance.

This Moonrunners (Toronto) robot dance video isn’t the best quality, but there’s some slick moves in here that are worth linking to.

Can’t close this without linking to the recently famous “Hottest Dance Battle” video, featuring two pole dancing champions.

Anyone care to add to this list? Please share!!

India Photos

I’ve returned from India, land of organized chaos. Somehow I managed to avoid being cursed by the cross-dressers or trampled by a pack of wild cows. However, the mosquitoes were not so kind to me and the doctor believes I caught Dengue fever. I spent a few days with a fever over 100 degrees and a horrid stabbing pain in the back of my neck. At least I experienced the medical care in India, including paying $1.50 CAD for 2 separate blood tests.

Luckily, I was healthy for a greater portion of the wedding. I think India’s weddings make even our most elaborate weddings feel like overnight trips to Vegas (pronounced “Wegas”).

Unfortunately, due to the nasty fever, I missed out on a few of the site-seeing portions of the trip in Jaipur, including the temple monkeys! That being said, here’s the photos that I did take with my camera, most of which were taken in New Delhi.

Back from India

Spent the last two weeks at a wedding in India. The travel was quite challenging and many fell ill.  I ended up with a fever that triggered some nasty stabbing neck pains that subsided only days before my return to Vancouver.

While being laid up in a hotel bed, I did manage to catch this amazing performance by Blaize on Channel V’s Footloose show.  My jaw dropped.

[V] Footloose 8th October 11 PART-2 by solution24

Weekly Digest – 2011-10-03

Burning Man 2011 Photos

Bryan posted some photos from our trip to Burning Man. It’s about time that I posted a link to these babies.

Weekly Digest – 2011-09-26

  • «@unseenthings «@joannejacobs MySQL no longer free and key founder, Monty Widenius isn't happy:»» #
  • Transparency increasing synchronicity, according to Thomas Hübl. I'm down with that. : #
  • Heros and villians! One of the best cosplay video collections I've seen. [thx Tyler Hoolaeff] #

Weekly Digest – 2011-09-19

Weekly Digest – 2011-09-12

Post Burning Man Thoughts

Weekly Digest – 2011-09-05

Thought for Food – Uploading from McDonalds

We’ve pulled our RV off the road for a nutritious meal at McDonalds, somewhere in Oregon, and now I’m uploading my entry to the Houdini Cook-Off contest. Although my submission could be better, I don’t have the CPU horsepower, nor the time to re-sim or re-render.  Oh yeah… and I’ll be in the middle of the desert in a few hours.

The brain pulsing will be slowed down and I would like to have roto-scoped her fingers, it looked like it was IN her hand, not around it.

All visual elements created by myself.
SynthEyes used for 3D camera tracking.
Modeling, shaders, animation and compositing done in Houdini.
Sound recorded and edited using Audacity.

Weekly Digest – 2011-08-29

International Traveling Render Farm


Ok, not really a “farm” but it’s doing the job.

Food for Thought – Audio/Video Sync

This is what I got, so far.

Hoping I have time to render some effects. Here’s the notes that I just took at lunch. Thanks to the waitress for supplying the scrap paper and pen.

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