Jogging – Body Maintenance

For the last few days I rushed into a running routine and it has had some excellent effects on my mood. A friend of mine told me that three 1 hour, blood-pumping exercise routines per week can substitute anti-depressants. A quick search revealed this MSN article that does a good job in explaining the grey areas of exercise vs medications.

Yesterday, the day after a 3.3 mile jog, my hips were stiff and sore. I suppose this was a reminder that you have to ease yourself back into activity. Luckily, I’ve taken yoga in the past and there’s a few great stretches you can do to loosen up the hips. I found this video online that has a few simple stretches to get started on. Pay attention to how she uses the blankets, as I tried doing some of these stretches without them, and it was very uncomfortable.

I run in the middle of the day, usually around 2-3pm. For the past few days I’ve been pushing over 3 miles. The neighborhoods down here are perfect for jogs or walking. Plenty of smooth hills and rounded turns. Though I’ve never understood runners in the past, I am now addicted. My sweaty meditation.

Wha?! It’s actually sunny outside! I’m off.


  1. I’ve been trying to get up early and cycle around Stanley Park. A 5-week cold interfered with that, but I’m trying. With kids, first thing in the morning before anyone else is awake is the only chance I get.

  2. Jer

    2010/09/26 at 9:13 pm

    5 week cold? Yikes. Well, glad to hear you’re still with us. I’ve had one for about a week now.

    It’s hard enough trying to get into a routine, much less with kids. I’ve tried exercising in the morning, but find it difficult to keep up. I have been successful at it, but only when I’m waking up at 5am. I prefer the mid-day routine, assuming I have the alone time to do so. With the rain coming, it’s going to be a little more difficult. We shall see!

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