
Animation Recommendations for Videogasm

Psychedelic Patterns and Fractals

“The Music Scene” from Anthony Francisco Schepperd on Vimeo.


abstract animation film for neuroscientific purpose. It is seen by children (age of two to ten years) on a screen in front of them while they are in a brain scanner.


3D fractals creating alien landscapes.


Showing behavior systems. Techinically… it’s tech demo, but the patterns are gorgeous.


More flocking systems


Growing crystal structures… sculptures.


Animation Shorts

Voxels take over.


Stop motion w/ practical effects.


Visitor from far away + a soccer ball = ?


One of my favorites that I still back to watch. The director rammed it with symbolism. Kinda creepy.


Live action first person chase


Stop mostion w/ laser pointers and long exposuress creates a kitty made of light.


Simple and cute… and great little tale.


Appropriate narrated story w/ slower gradually increasing visuals.


Insane chase scene.


FX driven take of a man conquering his compulsive disorder. (dark comedy)


very minimalistic tribute to Stanley Kubrick

Commercials and Title Credits

Cyberspace intro… for video game “Syndicate”

Tech Demos and Artistic Process

Slick presentation of the creation process of a growing grape effect in 3D.


Streetfighter fans will get a kick of these motion capture abstractions w/ particles.


The current technique of digital sculpting.


Movement Festival (DEMF) 2013 Dancers

First, I saw Jade Zuberi in a circle near the main stage. Although this “So You Think You Can Dance” segment makes him look good… it was even more jaw-dropping to see in person. At first I didn’t think it was him, as I didn’t recognise his moves… but the style and that facial expression are unforgetable.

Also, here’s some videos I found of dancers that I saw at this years Movement in Detroit, dancing at the festival.

Illusion’s energy on the dancefloor was a blast to watch.

Breakdance circle near the Made In Detroit stage.

Flec Mindscape is a contact juggler found a perfect auto-retrieving location at the fest (a brick bowl).

And more interesting characters.

My Old Toronto Neighbourhood


Saw this post on a graffiti artist in Toronto. ANSER’s work in a few different spots on or around Sterling Rd. When I get a chance, I gotta find the photos of the other work he’s got hidden on Sterling.

Along with this, there’s a link to photos from inside the big abandoned building that was across the street for me. If I had known there was all this beaufitul art inside, I would have tried a little harder to get in. I think it’s an old GM building.

Dance Controlled Live PA

Oculus Rift + Kinect – Audio visual instrument a001 from Ethno Tekh on Vimeo.

Flailing to create music. What more can I say?

Controlling Reactions


Yesterday was a challenge. Witnessing the difficulty in controlling habitual reactions. I feel I did well… but only relatively. In the grand scheme of things I know I can do much better.

With yesterday’s events still in my mind, I entered a very passive open state of mind. In my mind, I recreated the events from last night but imagining a different reaction. It was difficult to find myself reacting differently and I knew I needed some sort of outside inspiration. Lucky for me, I’m in the presence of the most non-judgemental beings one could hope to be surrounded by…   animals! More specifically, a 6 year old pit bull name Zoe.

Zoe likes to jump up on me when I walk into the room, sometimes, though I’ve finally taught her not to jump up on me. However, now I would like to teach her to jump up, but only when I ask. I told her “Up!” and patted my hips. She was, of course, confused. I gently seized her front legs and lifted her up. She would stay there for a moment, noticeably unsure of herself before slowly lower herself down. I did this three times in a row.

On the forth time I patted my hips and she hesitated for a few seconds, so I leaned down to pull her up, as I did the previous three times… but then she suddenly popped up and slammed the back of her head into my bottom lip.

I didn’t get angry, though I felt it inside. It didn’t take much effort to question that reaction within myself (before reacting) and found that it was a dream that I didn’t wish to create. I stood up slowly and looked down at her with a smile on my pained face. She was noticeably uncomfortable. I then relaxed more, smiled again and said, “Up!“. Without hesitation, she jumped up, putting her front paws on my hips with that big ol pit-bull smile on her face, waiting to accept the reward.

Lesson learned.
Brain remapped.

What started out as me trying to teach, ended up with me being the student. Thanks Zoe.

And now to nurse this bruised and bloody bottom lip.

Hour of the Gods

Western vs Eastern

Years ago I spoke to a good friend of mine about the time just before the sun rises.  I felt that the rising of the sun was such a empowering event to witness.  You can SEE the content of the clouds.  The spectrum of colors feeding the eyes. I would often say, “Start the day, don’t let the day start you.”

Rachit referred to the “hour of the gods” as the time around 4-5am. He said this was a very powerful and spiritual time. I had never heard of this term before, but then again…  I’m not Hindi.

Years have passed and I finally tried a bit of Googling. Besides the hundreds of links to a metal album called “Rush Hour of the Gods”, I did come across one inspiring quote via

“There are moments when the Spirit moves among men and the breath of the Lord is abroad upon the waters of our being; there are others when it retires and men are left to act in the strength or the weakness of their own egoism. The first are periods when even a little effort produces great results and changes destiny; the second are spaces of time when much labour goes to the making of a little result. It is true that the latter may prepare the former, may be the little smoke of sacrifice going up to heaven which calls down the rain of God’s bounty. Unhappy is the man or the nation which, when the divine moment arrives, is found sleeping or unprepared to use it, because the lamp has not been kept trimmed for the welcome and the ears are sealed to the call. But thrice woe to them who are strong and ready, yet waste the force or misuse the moment; for them is irreparable loss or a great destruction. In the hour of God cleanse thy soul of all self-deceit and hypocrisy and vain self-flattering that thou mayst look straight into thy spirit and hear that which summons it. All insincerity of nature, once thy defence against the eye of the Master and the light of the ideal, becomes now a gap in thy armour and invites the blow. Even if thou conquer for the moment, it is the worse for thee, for the blow shall come afterwards and cast thee down in the midst of thy triumph. But being pure cast aside all fear; for the hour is often terrible, a fire and a whirlwind and a tempest, a treading of the winepress of the wrath of God; but he who can stand up in it on the truth of his purpose is he who shall stand; even though he fall, he shall rise again, even though he seem to pass on the wings of the wind, he shall return. Nor let worldly prudence whisper too closely in thy ear; for it is the hour of the unexpected, the incalculable, the immeasurable. Mete not the power of the Breath by thy petty instruments, but trust and go forward. But most keep thy soul clear, even if for a while, of the clamour of the ego. Then shall a fire march before thee in the night and the storm be thy helper and thy flag shall wave on the highest height of the greatness that was to be conquered.”

– Sri Aurobindo


How I Learned HTML & CSS

TO DO ———————————————

Zen Coding for Aptana

RESPONSIVE WEB DESIGN (priceless roundup)

Fluid Design Examples w/ Media Queries

Responsive Design
Responsive Navigation Patterns

TOOLS & Reference
Benzier Curve Builder – Animation Ease-In / Ease-Out

CSS / HTML Playground

HTML Outliner – Give URL or Upload File to get Outline of page

Fonts – Web Safe

css transition timing – REFERENCE *GREAT*

Chroma Color Picker & Saver

45 Design Templates

Website design for mobiles

HTML =========================================================================
Structures: div, section, article

Smartphone Screens Resolutions

HTML Dog’s Guides on HTML and CSS

CSS ==========================================================================
SM – CSS3 Learning Guide
SM – Mastering CSS Principals
45 Powerful CSS / Javascript Techniques – TUTORIALS
Designer Web Trends  (parallax scrolling,
Fluid Layout (relative to default font)
LukeW – Multi-Device Layout Patterns

Media Queries in Basic Responsive Design Grid (must watch)

Responsive Design Examples

Progressively Enhancing HTML5 (setup Fallbacks)

CSS Menu – using Hover and Position

Inline Blocks
The Display Declaration

Horizontal Centering
Vertical Centering Methods
Inline Blocks and Why it Sucks


Rounded Corners – REFERENCE – including using images

Lists – Stylized – REFERENCE
Selectors – Advanced (good for dynamic lists in forms – REFERENCE
Multi-Columns – CSS and Javascipt Alternative for IE – REFERENCE

Speech Bubbles & Killer Buttons

Animated pop out Button


Color Guide w/ thumbnail preview of color story

6 Professional Looking CV/Resume Web Templates

40 Paid CVs (nice reference)

Jason has a pretty example

Another minimal one

SIMPLE beginnings

CSS Gallary – (color swatches) Dark of Black

Using CSS3 Transitions, Transforms and Animation – LEARN BABY

Cast Shadow from cursor

CSS animation principals and tools

jflow video tutorial

3D Parallax Painting

Thumbnail Navigation Gallery

Sticky Header (top) – Content scrolls up under transparent header

Sticky Footer (bottom w/ jQuery)
Footer using CSS

W3 Schools (try me)

transitions without javascript – REFERENCE

Rebuild Conent w/ a Fade

Frame by Frame Animation

Build a Conent Slider with jQuery

Anything Slider

5 Scrolling Content Examples

13 “Beautiful jQuery Conent Slider Scripts – COLLECTION

jQuery – How to animate the scroll

“Scrollable” jQuery Toolset

8 ways to integrate ImageSwitch and jQuery

Sliding Content



SIDEWAYS – Badass Fullscreen Sliding Image Gallery

50 more Slideshows!  – COLLECTION

jQuery Slide

Dynamic Scroll – like google reader’s autoloading content

Scroll Background – ball through trees w/ CSS & Javascript

JAVASCRIPT ===================================================================

ANIMATION (Javascript)
Rebuild Content via Menu Buttons – jQuery TUTORIAL

Rebuilt conent w/ Fade – jQuery TUTORIAL

Pop-up Speech Bubbles using JQuery

Character Rigging by Anthony Calzadilla

Excellent examples on fade examples

Tweening examples

Dynamics (chain and more)

Top 10

Simple Purple Login

Styling a dropdown
from this thread:

Better Select Dropdown

24 Ways – Field day with forms

Fun with HTML 5 Forms

Form Validation

Dropdown conent tutorial

dropdown login menu

Beautiful Forms

UI Wireframes

XCOM – turn-based strategy

I’d have to say that X-COM is my favourite turn-based strategy game. Played the crap out of this game, even despite how difficult and time-consuming it was.

A few months ago, when I realized that the remake was released… AND in the classic turn-based tactical style, instead of the silly FPS version that was planned. Picked it up almost instantly (after approval from my partner, of course).

I’ll spare my long review of it, so just go play it.  Go out and try XCOM: Enemy Unknown…  right now.

Browsing the web, I found a few links to some solid strategy tips for those that are attempting to play the game on “Classic” difficulty.

Besides the links, there’s also this PCGamer video that does a great job. Chis talks about playing the game in Ironman mode where the game controls your single saved game.  No retries. Consequences are permanent.

Agile Meetings at Home

Successful households have some sort of regular schedule that they follow. The most popular time for the entire family to meet up and check in on one another is at dinner time.

Bruce Feiler takes this to the next level by using Agile Development formats in his family meetings.

Spring Engine : Open Source RTS Game

Just played some Planetary Annihilation and it’s pretty…  but when it comes to an RTS, I’m looking for smart controls…   and that pretty game didn’t cut it.

If you haven’t heard of Spring Engine, I recommend watching this feature video and you’ll start to see what we’re talking about when we say “smart controls”.



Was inspired but some recorded matches of Spring RTS, an open source real-time strategy game, so I recorded a big match that I played versus an AI opponent.  Wanna play?  Well Spring is free, so go download it (or just grab it from the Ubuntu Software Centre).

I will be performing some screen captures on Linux in the future (video tutorials of a 3D animation package), so I wanted to find optimal methods for recording 3D at full HD (1080p).

Settings for recordMyDesktop on Ubuntu 12:10 using Gnome 3:
Video Quality 100
Frames Per Second 30
Encode on Fly: OFF
Zero Compression: ON
Quick Subsampling: OFF
Full shots at very frame: ON

Game was running at 10x speed, and I then doubled it again in my video editor, OpenShot (open source video editor).

DJ mix is by meshdiggity on SoundCloud.

*note:  Remember to switch to HD 1080p!  Make those little dots nice and crisp.

All-Nighter On VFX Shots : Time-Lapse

A few years back, while working on shots for Killer Mountain, I set up my Nikon in order to capture the last 18 hours of my self-induced crunch time.

The last half of the video looks much better, as corrected my camera settings.  You might even be able to make out some of the shots.

Gource – Data Visualization for File Tree Manipulators

Gource is a bit of open code that creates time lapse videos to visualize file trees being created.

Love Warrior

togetherForeverReceived this email this morning:

In Joseph Campbell’s vision of myth, the hero is typically a solitary male who renounces intimate companionship to pursue his glorious, arduous quest. Along the way, sporadic help may arrive from an ineffable muse or deity.

There are alternative scenarios for the hero’s journey, but Campbell underplayed them. In the tantric tradition, for instance, a seeker’s connection with a beloved human companion is essential to his or her spiritual inquiry.

Some early Christians described Jesus and Mary Magdalene as equal collaborators. Sufi mystic poet Rumi may not have actually made love with his teacher Shams (then again, he might have), but it’s clear the two men sought divine communion together, not through lonely solo work.

Some modern teachers have broken from Campbell’s narrow perspective. The quest for illumination, they say, can thrive on the challenges of loving and living with an actual person. In John Welwood’s “Love and Awakening,” the author re­imagines relationship as an “alliance of warriors” devoted to awakening each other’s “holy longing.”

Kill Only What We Eat

… and eat all that we kill. Inspired by some sections that I saw in last night’s showing of Samsara.

Monster Roll from Dan Blank on Vimeo.

A better quality HD version can be found on Vimeo:

Samsara Looks… Stunning

SAMSARA Theatrical Trailer from Baraka & Samsara on Vimeo.

Have you seen Baraka?

There is no question of whether or not I will see this film. However, it appears that I will have the opportunity to see this in the theater, one night only, on Dec 3rd, in Detroit.

Thanks to Joseph Gilland for the heads up.

Windows 8 – Effective Visual Communication?


Seems that Windows 8 has a bit too much of the classic Microsoft inconsistency problem.  I will be avoiding it.

Glad I’ve been putting so much energy in to Linux (Ubuntu) lately.  2 years as my primary OS and will not be going back anytime soon.  The best part is, this is MY operating system.  It’s free and open. I breath easier.

Windows 8: The Animated Evaluation” by Brian Boyko has more details.

Midnight w/ Ubuntu

Setting up an old machine that I recently pulled out of storage (2 years in Vancouver!?  Poor little box).

Step one is to update the Ubuntu theme to Elegant…  or should I stick with Equinox w/ squared Dawn borders? Well, that’s your choice. Here’s some very simple instructions for both of them.  I’d recommend Equinox first, as Elegant has a one-button solution which can activate or restore previous settings.  Just tested it and it works just fine.



*note: I personally experienced some issues in Firefox, when using the dark themes (it was too bright!!), so I corrected this (for the most part), by installing the Stylish add-on and then customizing my own “Global Midnight Theme”. Mwuahahahaaa!

Oh yeah, and you might need to create a “Stylish” theme to correct the color of the now greyed font in input text boxes in Firefox.

Work and Play

“A master in the art of living draws no sharp distinction between their work and their play; their labor and their leisure; their mind and their body; their education and their recreation. They hardly know which is which. They simply pursue their vision of excellence through whatever they are doing, and leave others to determine whether they are working or playing. To themselves, they always appear to be doing both.”

-Francoise Rene Auguste Chateaubriand

Video Stabilization in Linux

The left is the unstabilized video.  Right right was stabilized using the vid.stab plug-ins in transcode.

I use a few different processes for getting ride of the camera jitter from when hand-held shots, but I needed quicker methods for when I have a ton of videos to process.

I found that vid.stab has some plug-ins for transcode that are working great for me.  I followed the instructions here and then used the commands below to encode my videos.  Other than some of the quick jumps in the stabilized videos, the results are great (and fast). I’m noticing the jumps occur when objects in the background are being revealed, so I’ll have to fiddle with this in the future to see how I can clean these up.
transcode -J stabilize=shakiness=8:show=1,preview -i -y null,null -o dummy

transcode -J transform=smoothing=60 -i -y xvid -o mvi_3816_stable.avi

Two Acre Shaker

Two Acre Shaker - morning after

Just read this summary of the Two Acre Shaker party we were at on Saturday night.  Was a great party, despite all the hurdles listed, which included us getting there late (11pm).  DJ Woody is one hell of a turntablist.

We had lightning, we had fire, we had a full power outage that stretched all the way to Whistler, and we had the worst plague of mosquitos that the locals had seen in over a decade. A Llamapocalypse was truly upon us! I haven’t seen that much drama since Degrassi Junior High went off the air, and I’m just happy that we all made it through unscathed – hangovers notwithstanding.

For quite a few reasons, I will probably never forget this night.

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