- Powerful/scary tool analyzes emails for your shopping history. – http://t.co/IdIEhOuG #
- Real life Bananaman – http://t.co/7K1ljJt3 #
- Dye, red dye and some ferrofluid makes for an alien landscape: http://t.co/vcPChQji #
- The alien's perspective in "The Things" by Peter Watts – http://t.co/ivkQvDVK #
- Colorful beaded skulls from western Mexico – http://t.co/ZPsVLo2S #
- Crazy quantum levitation demo and explanation: http://t.co/sikg1fGh #
- RT @GreatDismal – My love for Akira possesses me to link to telekinetic children. http://t.co/h2dmlIwY #
- Did this tap-dancing mofo just do the worm? Holy… !! http://t.co/1r2Sf8HA #
- "The future is here. It’s just not widely distributed yet."
—William Gibson, coined term “cyberspace” in 1984 # - Dance video collection containing some hip-hop, dubstep, poppin and a little pole dancing. http://t.co/cYBmeN6X #
- Computer problems converted into reality. – http://t.co/o5XUOxL5 #
- The Technology of Global Unrest – http://t.co/DKjkni8j #
- Turn-based game Frozen Synapse is now priced at what you can afford. http://t.co/uQtP22Jz #
- Visualizing through active listening and DOODLING can help memory retention: http://t.co/Q1Wxoeqj #
- Lightsabers! I think Newmindspace wants our world to look something like Burning Man… or Mars. http://t.co/XxWM1Wtc #
- Didja know that the first Google Doodle was inspired by a vacation to Burning Man? [via Tim Anderson] http://t.co/unFuv1NJ #
- Brothers and sisters, I empathize with you. http://t.co/7TBiD2Wt #
- This is dance related, so I's gunna pole..er… POST it. o_O http://t.co/Kcxpneh5 #
- Teal and Orange – Hollywood, Please Stop the Madness – http://t.co/w9cwUwyZ #
- "Must learn moonwalk.", says time-traveling dubstep robot. http://t.co/zMelYz55 #
- «@unseenthings «@joannejacobs MySQL no longer free and key founder, Monty Widenius isn't happy: http://ht.ly/6Akxe»» #
- Transparency increasing synchronicity, according to Thomas Hübl. I'm down with that. : http://t.co/d4CFJGeh #
- Heros and villians! One of the best cosplay video collections I've seen. http://t.co/iujgfWJR [thx Tyler Hoolaeff] #
- Simple and appealing art of illustrator & CG director, Helen Choi – http://t.co/mpd6EHb4 #
- Thorough write-up on Jung – http://t.co/mEhcyjYi #
- Flower arrangements to scare the sh#t out the recipiant?- http://t.co/9sjoz9iE #
- Portal game warning sign at Burning Man: http://t.co/wfSxM9b #
- Modular wall hexagons for some loft soundproofing. : http://t.co/GpbwWg7 #
- The 16 effigies for Burning Man CORE Project, from space: [thx Benny] http://t.co/GZyHuSJ #
- Entry submitted for the Houdini Cook-Off contest. MMMMmmm BRAAAAINZ!!! : http://t.co/DodgsXb #
- Lick, slash and chomp with Strom's 2D animated Dinosaurs http://t.co/GjRfUt4 #
- Trippier than a sand castle. – http://t.co/ZsgYv1l #
- While some parents send their kids to karate for self-defense… http://t.co/K7b38FG [thanks C.] #
- No longer upset I didn't get a Windows7 disc with my laptop. – http://t.co/z9XcADy #
- Replacing popular cleaners with vinegar, borax and banana peels? – http://t.co/NKwIdst #
- A reminder of the power of silence. – http://t.co/kk2eGiS #
- Siggraph talk on real-time 3D reconstruction using Microsoft's Kinect: [thx Ben Staples] http://t.co/urieqct #
- 13-year-old discovers the solar power of the spiral. http://t.co/mdjvRyh #
- Bionic hand makes for great ad space. http://t.co/rrDPeD0 #
- Voxels at Siggraph 2011 : http://t.co/FqOH0s5 #
- San Fran police prevent protest by blocking cell phones: [via Frank Benjamin] http://t.co/aoGrhFR #
- Houdini 12 is shaping up to be a historic event. Some improvements are hundreds of times better. http://ur1.ca/4wddl #
- Cory Doctorow's #Siggraph 2011 keynote speech regarding copyright. http://boingboing.net/2011/08/11/my-siggraph-keynote.html #
- Thanks to Annex Pro for a most excellent Siggraph party. My legs be burned out. #
- Control your Canon DSLR with Android app via USB. I say, "OMG". http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lnxvFYza6Y4 #
- RT @noonat – juiced chase in Mac 'n' Cheese animation: http://t.co/PCr4Ikc #
- BlueBolt's Visual Effects Breakdown of "Game of Thrones": http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xkptadiDABo #
- This is one big puppet. http://io9.com/5826251/this-is-what-an-18+foot+tall-1700+pound-marionette-walking-down-the-street-looks-like #
- LED light bulbs used for a more efficient wireless communication: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NaoSp4NpkGg [#TED] #
- Addicting little RTS browser game (after level 10). http://armorgames.com/play/12123/blipzkrieg #
- Magic and mystery in Beats Antique's new music video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_SA_kvN3pVk [thx @NorthwestMel] #
- Despite moving, Siggraph and a desert camping adventure, I've officially entered the Houdini Cook-Off contest: http://ur1.ca/4tcxl #
- Cuddle problems solved, along with many others ergo-issues. http://www.apartmenttherapy.com/dc/would-you-buy-a-cuddle-mattress-152093 #
- Was able to find a ton of subtitles files for my foreign films with this website: http://subscene.com #
- http://Visual.ly : Website dedicated for the sharing of infographics. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AiVKfNeRbPQ #
- Light on your feet? http://www.ministryofmanipulation.com/blog/chinlone-volleyball/ #
- Buffer your tweets with a slick little Chrome extension: http://ur1.ca/4shl9 #
- Crazy 2D animation / live action mix [via Nick van Zutphen]: http://vimeo.com/16051959 #
- Interview from the rooftops of Toronto. http://www.mymodernmet.com/xn/detail/2100445:BlogPost:658295 #
- GET SUN! I can vouch for the allergy improvements. http://ur1.ca/4raty #
- Report proves pirates are great consumers. http://ur1.ca/4qu1p #
- Impressive Abelton & Launchpad mashup demo: [via Justin Tyce] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lTx3G6h2xyA #
- Meeting w/ God: Sci-fi or documentary? Message delivered. http://www.highexistence.com/mind-blowing-story-talking-to-god/ #
- Unraveling Wire Sculptures are not computer generated FX? http://www.mymodernmet.com/profiles/blogs/unraveling-wire-sculptures #
- Printable solar cells: I gotta talk to my business card maker. http://www.dudecraft.com/2011/07/printable-foldable-solar-cells.html #
- Survive the harsh winters by skate-boarding in your living room.
http://m.gizmodo.com/5820951/a-house-thats-made-to-skate-in/gallery/ # - Robot dance in Toronto. Wish the recording was better, but still a wicked watch: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NmPbZxhiOAI #
- Thousands of lanterns light up the night sky in Poland: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BJnuqP3OMfI [via Kevin Bracken] #
- Przemek (Sainer) Blejzyk's fine art characters and graffiti wall gallery: http://www.intoxicated-demons.com/ #
- Getting lost when no signal? Google's "Download Map Area" Labs option on mobile devices. http://ur1.ca/4olmk #
- 891 entries of 77 entries were chosen for SIGGRAPH's Computer Animation Festival. http://ur1.ca/4o0v1 #
- Best summary of Burning Man I have read so far… won't help you with your definition much. [via Barak Lightning] http://ur1.ca/4nrm7 #
- "Everything is a Remix" Fantastic, short and sweet documentary on innovation. Part 4 is expected in the Fall. http://ur1.ca/4i6c4 #
- Internet sites illustrated as alcoholic beverages. http://www.unplggd.com/unplggd/final-frame/final-frame-whats-your-pleasure-150640 #
- 3-D chocolate printer – http://www.geekologie.com/2011/07/finally-a-3d-printer-that-prints-in-choc.php #
- Weird Al's animated C.I.A. parody of "Party in the U.S.A": http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C-CG5w4YwOI [via Jesse_Davidge] #
- Inspiring interview (from 2009, just posted) w/ Thomas Schelesny – VFX Supervisor of "Enchanted": http://ur1.ca/4mu0a #
- "AngelVitamina" \: indie anime like made in Argentina is hopefully becoming a feature film. [via Cartoon Brew] http://vimeo.com/25714821 #
- Björk showing us the future as guest editor of 200th issue of Dazed. – http://ur1.ca/4ms45 #
- Clockwork dolls that paint & shoot arrows. http://www.verbal007.com/2011/clockwork-dolls/ [via @greatdismal] #
- Informative article on the history of Toronto's club scene. http://www.residentadvisor.net/feature.aspx?1310 #
- Inspiring digital #graffiti by Richard Marchand. [thx Greg H.] Personal site: http://ur1.ca/4m151 and how-to thread: http://ur1.ca/4m152 #
- Can this viking avoid the heavenly hell in The Saga of Bjorn? #short [via Steve Clee] http://vimeo.com/18011143 #
- Dozens of abstract 3D animation clips for VJs. [thx Greg Hunsburger] http://beeple-crap.com/vjclips.php #
- Variations on meditation, including dance, darkness, music, walking and breathing – http://ur1.ca/4lxzb #
- Collection of photos from 12 years of Burning Man. [via Jack Rabbit Speaks] http://home.comcast.net/~burningman/bman.htm #
- A camera sensor that allows you to determine the focus distance AFTER you take the picture, but recording light vectors. http://ur1.ca/4jv6z #
- Children’s imagination visualized as cartoon violence. Weeeee!! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VeoW2Jptu0g #
- Amnesty International celebrates 50 years with this emotional and visually stunning video: http://motionographer.com/features/interview-making-amnesty-international-50-years/ #
- Cyber-hell in these 6 Minutes of Darkness from PostPanic: http://www.verbal007.com/2011/6-minutes-of-darkness-from-postpanic/ #
- The feeling of Detroit. http://www.mymodernmet.com/profiles/blogs/detroit-the-sunken-city #
- Stuxnet: Anatomy of a Computer Virus – http://vimeo.com/25118844 #
- Recycling to make pretty things. I’ll take one of these over a disco ball. http://www.dudecraft.com/2011/06/tetrabox-lamp.html #
- Happy to say that I agree with and practice many of the items in this list of "50 Life Secrets and Tips": http://ur1.ca/4guqi #
- Why You Should Skip the AC and Turn on a Fan | Apartment Therapy Unplggd – http://ur1.ca/4gqis #
- Huge collection of unique knitted creations. http://www.crookedbrains.net/2011/06/creative-knitting-art.html #
- The interactive film (and other doodles) mentioned in the previous data visualization Ted Talk. [via Nathan Brenton] http://ur1.ca/4efjv #
- TED talk by Aaron Koblin, creator of flight patterns data visualizations, including collaborative Johnny Cash project. http://ur1.ca/4efgd #
- Bret Victor's slick website is an impressive showcase of how he is visualizing data in many inspiring ways. http://worrydream.com #
- Simple & practical way to store/show off your bike. http://ur1.ca/4ef3b #
- Contagious emotions via Facebook. Glad most my friends are relatively happy people: [via Ben Besler] http://ur1.ca/4ef33 #
- Top 5 regrets people make on their deathbed – http://ohdarling.posterous.com/nurse-reveals-the-top-5-regrets-people-make-o #
- 29 Ways To Stay Creative #video – http://thecuriousbrain.com/?p=22051 #
- Japanese handcrafted robots.♻ RT @JSCarroll: @GreatDismal http://vimeo.com/24412432 #
- Get webbed fingers with these Darkfin gloves: http://ur1.ca/4cv61 #
- Wish that nice wood board or mirror was a table? http://www.dudecraft.com/2011/06/make-anything-table-with-tick-clip.html #
- The UN says we have a right to access the internet. – http://ur1.ca/4crxl #
- Infographic of today's technology in your house of tomorrow: http://www.unplggd.com/unplggd/the-home-of-2020-infographic-147833 #
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