- Kumare: a documentary of a fake guru, looks hilarious and smart. [thx Dan] http://t.co/QppRiXd1 #
- Digi-yoga art via the Pod Collective : http://t.co/wpJo4y1j #
- Zoom in (mouse wheel) to view the finer details in this virtual tour of Toronto. #map http://t.co/1SqCNzdI #
- Our first cyborg is going to be a jellyfish powered by rat cells? Ew. http://t.co/57oeYqTF #
- Lil Buck w/ Yo Yo Ma – #dancecollection http://t.co/dPWtUIgB #
- Whatdoyacallit? "Dance-Mixing"? http://t.co/581vuyl7 #
- Probably my favorite art collective. Introduced to me through spiritual connections in Vancouver. Sacred art! http://t.co/hCcPMYRw #
- Bizarre animations? I've seen a many, but rarely do they effect me so strongly. Maybe it's the synth music. http://t.co/kpI5uy9B #
- Leaving skid marks all over San Fran. The word "badass" comes to mind. http://t.co/YZ34CuXw #
- Telekinetic kids… sweet! Another time where I wish that music videos had sequels. #repost http://t.co/3Q0rDhYr #
- "Mommy, I see a whale in the clouds." "That's great honey and if you look closer you will see… ah.. AH! OH MY GOD!!" http://t.co/E9sNDqUO #
- Is LA next in line for this network of CO2 sensors? – http://t.co/tTcdSH5I #
- Think the trees might relieve the claustrophobia? Whistler, BC : http://t.co/zVT2fv9u #
- First Ever Global Standards for Salmon Farming – http://t.co/0TCD4TpI #
- Writers that are need of guidance, checkout Pixar's 22 rules of storytelling. http://t.co/mV7RwGMu #
- Melanie Moore's ballet melts onto the stage of "So You Think You Can Dance" 2011 : [via the Vanhollebekes] http://t.co/INWPxCEn #
- … and since Valve's Source game engine is being developed for Linux, next year should be VERY interesting. http://t.co/mlxmMQYo #
- Valve's new Source Filmmaker is… I mean… it… uh. Awesome. Fun. Real-time! *drool* – http://t.co/Vcb4jJXx #
- Fireworks the size of America… or data visualization. – http://t.co/0UE34Lt3 #
- 30 story building built in 15 days. [via @helmutleitner42] http://t.co/GV373ll0 #
- High speed robotically controlled camera. So that's how they do those slo-mo shots. [thx Michael] http://t.co/RTblC47w #
- Yummy little animated Multi-Agent Systems. #infographic http://t.co/supqxPjI #
- Make technology work for you. Calm your aversion to it, and simplify your interactions with it. http://t.co/LBlahN1R #
- Another Valve related goodie. What is the portal gun was real? [via Matt Thomson] : http://t.co/B4yNwxhl #
- Dance Video Collection *updated* with 5 new robot goodies: http://t.co/cYBhHd63 #
- Director of "9", Shane Acker, is now using Valve's Source "game" engine for his next film project. http://t.co/2Dr0vA8r #
- Scans from "Prometheus: The Art of…" book. #spoiler [via Dave Wang] http://t.co/Db3PO29T #
- Linux instructional video for visual effects artists. @cmiVFX http://t.co/ZNn9763a #
- Mrs. Doubtfire… as a sociopath. Twisted. http://t.co/rOGAgYf7 #
- Zack Lipovski's Shot Lister app looks great. It's never too late for directors to get digitally organized. http://t.co/XS5M7oZS #
- Oh how I love sci-fi interface design. Ironman HUD from the Avengers. [via io9]: http://t.co/IkViKwqS #
- Satirical art by Pawel Kuczynski is strong. [thx Damon Conway]: http://t.co/TkAZHVOF #
- Flashing faces on the screen can inspire distorted caricatures? Who knew!? http://t.co/vp5rBQB6 #
- Fresh install of Windows? Here's the easiest way to get up and running with the base applications. *click* [thx Joel]: http://t.co/UFH7C5ra #
- True gesture control for only $70 w/ Leap. *holding mouse above trashcan* [thx Ruslan Vasylev] http://t.co/FXEhwDlz #
- Plan to crowd-source your funding for game development? Don't sell yourself short. http://t.co/f4ATrWkg #
- Yoga helps, but not when the ego kicks in. Don't wreck yourself. http://t.co/D4wQnBG6 #
- Europe's history viewed through this map w/ event time lapse. Fullscreen this 11 min video. [thx Taylor Moll] http://t.co/ASAzOiAl #
- Nikola Tesla, you are all sorts of awesome. Edison, I am speechless. [thx Art Curry] http://t.co/7a3o1jKI #
- Jon Burgerman has some art in the back @magicpony on Queen. "Fun" is the magic word. #toronto http://t.co/8t05fwT1 #
- “@brainpicker To take your breath away – 5 fine art photographers capture animals like you've never seen them before http://t.co/hCdVVcDY” #
- Most "problems" are actually "symptoms". It's easier to practice prevention than it is to find a cure. #
- Toronto director's "Unstoppable" ad for the Paralypics. http://t.co/INOepvTF #
- Machanical waves sculptures by Reuben Margolin help me redefine "Technical Artist". #TED http://t.co/LITbBJCL #
- Pixar's been great about sharing tech. As proof, here's a complete list of their whitepapers.: [via Tyler Von Muehlen] http://t.co/8vivqvgx #
- Nostalgia via LEGO patent drawing circa 1958 http://t.co/jlO7XBX8 #
- Travel routes weaving our footprint on the globe. #map #infographic http://t.co/Wia5JmlH #
- Morning tribal psychedelic heartbeats providing tempo for portfolio building. #music http://t.co/kk9ry3Yq #
- The Kevin Smith of design. Loving Draplin's "Tall Tales From A Large Man" talk. Detroit Whah? [thx Zak Koski] http://t.co/TX14hwky #
- Monty Python's John Cleese on how to switch modes to become more focused or more creative. http://t.co/Uu8rZXC4 #
- Game developer employee manual describes a flat corporate structure w/ almost no management. Love U Valve. http://t.co/WQO8LwA0 #
- Wall Digital LED Clock #want – http://t.co/mLfEbyWN #
- Online archive of old maps, includes Detroit, Vancouver, Toronto, etc. [via Mo Bot] http://t.co/tp6zbsPC #
- $75 and I can own a mini version of Theo Jansen's wind powered beasts? How did this slip by? #video http://t.co/fBr9zcRX #
- Sidewalks, escilators, wind tunnels and computer simulations in this article on the psychology of foot traffic. http://t.co/4u8Hr3mT #
- Modular Machine Marble Madness by Theo Jansen. http://t.co/Mf6tnC77 #
- Data overload can be debilitating, but overcome with data visualization. [thx Dave Z.] http://t.co/I6Wn1Eyw #
- 13 powerful productivity tools & methods. IFTTT is straight from heaven. – http://t.co/YnR8VZcD #
- Fluids in photos & 3D renders. Some systems are better felt. http://t.co/6He2UcXs #
- Eagle chillin with fox and cats. It feels dismissive to just call this "cute". [thx Juan] http://t.co/O4XGNErK #
- xkcd's infographic shows just how deep Cameron's ocean dive was. http://t.co/5CfFsrLG #
- Combine the game Guantlet with the film Oceans 11 and you get Monaco – http://t.co/MS3MGmLm #
- Finally some input innovations. Please attach one to my Cintiq drawing tablet. (thx @sneakatdatavibe) http://t.co/Mf3ydV0D #
- Projection mapped effects puts digital tattoos and polygons on silver painted face. Samsung ad awesomeness. http://t.co/Nj5V8xu1 #
- Animated wind map makes the US look like it's covered in fun fur. http://t.co/6XcrLaLl #
- Didn't get the sunrise I was hoping for this morning, so these photo manipulations will have to provide today's color. http://t.co/yT16GFK0 #
- Less productive? Awe, come on. It was only one cup of coffee. http://t.co/gX3e6XnT #
- Roomie and I have spoke of a loft redesign. Monkey bars is one option, but this… ? http://t.co/nlY2WPki #
- Excited to revisit horror films after finding this killer list (har har). Most of my favs are mentioned. http://t.co/elHqlcVk #
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