
Windosill – A Dynamic Playground

windowsillWhen 2D feels this close to 3D…   er…  it is 2D isn’t it?

Patrick Smith, creator of VectorPark, has a new game called Windosill.  Procedurally animated characters look over you as you move your little cloud puffing cart through physically dynamic worlds that blur the line between 2D & 3D.

If that didn’t make sense, just do yourself a favor and go checkout Windosill.

If that’s not enough, view some of his older toys at VectorPark.

Dance Class

In case anyone’s curious about how my dance classes are going. I’m having a ball. 😛  Knee slapper…  eh?
I wonder often ‘What if?’ I had started sooner, though I don’t regret.

The next few weeks we are having a festival.  Themed nights, once every week.  Here’s a sample:

Dance Class from Jeremy Szabo on Vimeo.


Everything’s feeling right and I noticed that it stays that way, when my intentions are pure and proven.  I takes a hell of a lot of balance and although I think I stumble sometimes, if I relax and just “do” instead of trying too hard to be perfect…   it all goes smoothly…     though life’s curveballs are a bit tricky.

oh yeah… and…


Here’s some motivation for those of you thinking about doing some ballroom dance.  Certainly inspires me.

Now for some killer West Coast Swing action.

I bought a games console.

The long and hard (couldn’t resist) debate is over. The patient wait for a console system has finally come to an end. I decided to get a PS3. Little Big Planet and Blu-Ray capabilities were big parts of my decision, not to mention that the system is actually QUIET. Last thing I wanted was something that sounded like a noisy PC.

I also got GTA4. Mmmm… Euphoria ragdolls. Going to stick to the sandbox games, for now. Wanted something I could jump in and out of, if time was short.  The deal I picked up included a free copy of the collectors edition of Fallout 3.  However, I’m seriously doubting I’ll have time to play that game anytime soon… so I might just sell it.


And it feels gOOOooOOood. 😛

Weekly Digest – 2009-05-04

Jibber Jabber @ Popvox Awards

The producers & creators over at Bowes Productions & NWFX have made the first two episodes of Jibber Jabber available online and in their entirety! Not only was it a fun project to work on, the episodes still give me the warm fuzzies.

Only 2.5 hours left to vote!

Jibber Jabber: “Race to the Red Planet”

Jibber Jabber: “Pride of Frankenstein”

Jibber Jabber @ Popvox

The producers & creators over at Bowes Productions & NWFX have made the first two episodes of Jibber Jabber available online and in their entirety! Not only was it a fun project to work on, the episodes still give me the fuzzies.

Jibber Jabber: “Race to the Red Planet”

Jibber Jabber: “Pride of Frankenstein”

Weekly Digest – 2009-04-27

  • Why can synthetic humans so scary? Ever hear about the “Uncanny Valley”? : I *heart* Siggraph #
  • Imagine programming without a keyboard. Houdini 10 seems to be getting us closer and closer. #
  • Anomaly is this weekend! Speakers and live demonstrations from Bizzard, Image Engine, etc. : #
  • Traditionally animated dance: #

Weekly Digest – 2009-04-20

Mental Reset

Where am I now?  I’ve just moved down from Vancouver, BC (aka “Hollywood North”) and am taking my sabbatical in Washington state…  about 30 minutes south of Seattle.I’ve been down here for about 2 months now and am still building up momentum. Since I’m working almost entirely in a digital world, I have to fight for some sort of balance with reality.  Dance, jogging, cooking, drawing, etc. Jogging is relatively new to me, but I must tell the skeptics out there there that I used to think running was ridiculous, but then I experienced what it was able to do for my mood. Was able to quit my depressive drinking and smoking in days, and feel better for it.  Ok, I admit to taking 2-3 drags off a cigarette, here and there. 

I do have a primary blog that I’ve been updating for the past few years, though I needed to pull myself away from it in order to gain some freedom in what I can say.  You don’t know my name… but you kinda already know my address.

Before the end of the month I need to figure out my next move.  I have enough money saved up for almost a year of freedom.  I can use this time to veg-out, or I can do something constructive with it.  Luckily, I’ve been keeping productive. At first I was plagued with too many unfinished projects, but since I’m now free from the cubical, I am able to see my life much clearer and have made great strides in simplifying things.

Weekly Digest – 2009-04-13

Online Movie Lending Service

New service has started up called  A GREAT idea that allows you to see what movies your friends have in their libraries and setups up a system that allows you to track who has what.

I sent them some of my recommendations.

1) What if I have discs on loan to non-LendAround users?
2) I own the discs but do not have immediate access to it (half my library is 2000 miles away).
3) Custom categories for special DVDs or want lists.
4) Ability to export library and download my collection, reviews and ratings into a CSV file. is a good example.

Did You Know?

Saw this a few months ago, but forgot to link to it. It’s worth archiving (after watching).

Yay Twitter

Twitter is over capacity again? As the system grows, it will just get worse and worse as they are forced to cut back on features.  Yet another reason to switch to a free, open source & decentrilized alternative.

I *heart*


Weekly Digest – 2009-04-06

Weekly Digest – 2009-03-30

Kevin Smith in Vancouver

Friday night I saw Kevin Smith at “The Centre In Vancouver For Performing Arts”. What night. As usual, Kevin didn’t hold much back, except for some of the personal stories of Joey Adams.

He told us of his new found respect for Walter and Wayne Gretzky and  mary jane.  Both of which seemed to have made Kevin quite emotional.

The most memorable event was when an audience member, Torrey, asked Kevin if he could help him achieve one of the items on his list of “Things to do before I die.” Specifically, Torrey wanted to know what it would feel like to stand naked in front of a crowd. Kevin certainly used this opportunity to it’s fullest. Someone even caught clips of the event, though the highlight was watching semi-naked Torrey (wearing Kevin’s coat) dive across the stage floor to catch a box of peanut Glossets with his hat.

Here’s the two clips I found:

and part 2 of “Show us your balls.”

Weekly Digest – 2009-03-23

BC Tax Info

Courtesy of Lynda @ BCG

Here are the tax rates in BC:

Tax rates for British Columbia (this is for the income that you earn at your job or take as a T4 from your company if you own one):

  • $0 – $35,716                    5.06%
  • $35,717 – $71,433            7.70%
  • $71,434 – $82,014            10.50%
  • $82,015 – $99,588            12.29%
  • $99,589 and over              14.70%

Here are the tax rates for the federal government: 

Tax rates for the Federal Government (this is for the income that you earn at your job or take as a T4 from your company if you own one):

  • $0 – $40,726                    15%
  • $40,727 – $81,452            22%
  • $81,453 – $126,263          26%
  • $126,264 and over            29%

RRSP Contribution Limits – 18% of previous year’s income to a maximum of:

  • 2009 – $21,000
  • 2010 – $22,000
  • 2011 & beyond – indexed to average wage growth

2009 Top Marginal Tax Rates (federal & provincial rates combined in BC). This would be income that is above your salary (such as dividends received from stocks or interest from a GIC):

  • Interest/Foreign dividends – 43.7% (GIC’s, Term deposits, Stocks from stock markets outside of Canada)
  • Eligible Dividends – 19.9% (Stocks from Canadian stock market)
  • Ineligible Dividends – 32.7%
  • Capital Gains – 21.9% (Sale of a investment property, sale from a stock or mutual fund)

Weekly Digest – 2009-03-16

Pocket Watches

For years I’ve wanted a pocket watch. Not a fan of a watch that wraps around your wrist, as this is a JOINT area that is designed to MOVE (not to mention the discomfort when working at a keyboard).

For a few years now I’ve just had my wristwatch attached to my belt loop via it’s velcro strap <insert image here>.  However, I think it’s time for something a little more stylish, perferably with a built in chronograph.  I am in animation after all.

Wind Up Stop Watches and Sports Timers from Camero

This Omega 1932 looks beautiful & sounds like da shit and is impossible to find.  This Charles Hubert watch looks slick & it’s cheap.

Tons of great watches here too, though not the best browsing format.

If all else fails (which it seems that it is) there’s always ebay.

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