
Weekly Digest – 2009-08-17

Weekly Digest – 2009-08-10

Weekly Digest – 2009-08-03

Weekly Digest – 2009-07-27

Weekly Digest – 2009-07-20

  • Bought a copy of 1984 for your Amazon Kindle? Notice its not there anymore? #
  • Houdini Master Bundle is 50% OFF. That is $7800 Canadian w/ a years support on a top end 3D app. #
  • Keep in touch with your World of Warcraft account via an iPhone? May I be excused? I have an orc raid I need to attend. : #

Weekly Digest – 2009-07-13

  • SideFX release party for Houdini 10 in NYC. If I wasnt 2k miles away, Id be there: #

Weekly Digest – 2009-07-06

Weekly Digest – 2009-06-22

  • See the latest Star Trek? Flame drill could change oil drilling and give us better geothermal power: #

Weekly Digest – 2009-06-15

Machanical Beasts

Yes yes…  slacking on the blog updates, but I should defend myself a little as there have been info links appearing on the sidebar, just no full-on entries.  I won’t bother throwing the “I’ve been busy” excuse at you…   ok, yes I will.  Next week is a big week.  Big… HUGE… MASSIVE!

Almost as big as these man made beasts. How can a digital puppet guy like myself not be blown away by a machine that walks with the wind?

And more kinetic sculptures over (where else?) Dark Roasted Blend

A recent Ted Talk has Theo Jansen talking about the inner workings of his creatures, including their binary brain.

An SCAD student, Charles Tripp, created an example in 3D using Houdini.

Weekly Digest – 2009-06-08

  • West Coast Swing. Audio was originally cut for copyright infringement, but they fought it and won: #

Weekly Digest – 2009-06-01

The Escapist on Fallout 3

I received Fallout 3 free with my PS3 console deal… the “Collectors Edition” that is.

I’ve put just under 10 hours into the game and although the new turn-based like targeting system (aka “VAT) is pretty satisfying, the game is pretty repetitive. Glad I took the time to play it as now I’m more sure than ever that I want to avoid most first person RPGs.

You like the open world RPGs? Then you’ll probably like this game. However, if life demands your attention, don’t pick this one up or:

1) You won’t get anything done. You’ll constantly be late for work. You’re wife will leave you (though this is more tolerable to spouses than “WoW”).

2) You’ll snap out of a trance, 10 hours in, and think, “Where am I? It’s 2am?” and set out to burn the drug-like media before it tempts you into more game time.

Checkout what the Escapist has to say.

Thief? Hmm… yeah, I still haven’t played that one.

Weekly Digest – 2009-05-25

The Escapist on Fallout 3

I received Fallout 3 free with my PS3 console deal…   the “Collectors Edition” that is.

I’ve put just under 10 hours into the game and although the new turn-based like targeting system (aka “VAT) is pretty satisfying, the game is pretty repetitive. Glad I took the time to play it as now I’m more sure than ever that I want to avoid most first person RPGs.

You like the open world RPGs?  Then you’ll probably like this game.  However, if life demands your attention, don’t pick this one up or:

1) You won’t get anything done.  You’ll constantly be late for work.  You’re wife will leave you (though this is more tolerable to spouses than “WoW”).

2) You’ll snap out of a trance, 10 hours in, and think, “Where am I? It’s 2am?” and set out to burn the drug-like media before it tempts you into more game time.

Checkout what the Escapist has to say.

Thief?    Hmm…   yeah, I still haven’t played that one.

Ricardo Semler’s talk at MIT

Semler is one hell of an inspiration entrepreneur.  He took his father’s company and converted it into a democratic workplace.  Workers vote for who their boss is.  The company’s records are open to all employees to view (including the salaries of fellow coworkers).  You get the idea.

They have finally made this talk available in a format that doesn’t require RealPlayer.  That means I can finally share it!

If you are not inspired, then you must have already lost hope.

Here’s some informative reviews of some of his books:’s-most-unusual-work-place/

Weekly Digest – 2009-05-18

Media Sharing from Windows to PS3

These links really helped me get this working.

In the end, my problem was with their software, but it also runs in a browser.  That’s how I ended up getting mine to work.

If this is still not working then simply open a browser window and type the URL http://ip:port/admin(where ip is the address of the machine on which the server is running, it can be localhost when the server and the GUI run on the same machine and port is the port on which the server is listening, this is by default 41952). This should open the GUI inside the browser, and you can now save this shortcut to the desktop and use it from now on to start the GUI. 

This one time…

“This One Time…”
By Nelson Boles

This one time… from nelson boles on Vimeo.

Thanks to S. Clee for this one.

Weekly Digest – 2009-05-11

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