
Completed First Week

First week of working with Travis is complete.  We met our deliveries, despite all the setbacks with all the setting up.  Computers.  GAH! We have full confidence that the second time around will be 1/3 the time. Learning tons from each other. I have really missed this kind of collaboration.

Speaking of computers…

Sometimes they can have light and simple tools that mimic traditional tools that we find in real life.  Plastic Animation Paper is one of those tools.  The free version allows you to play around and export little animations.  Here’s one of the 4 doodles I’ve done in the program.  I enjoyed every second of it…   and you can expect to see more.

Plastic Animation Paper – Test 1 from verbal007 on Vimeo.

There is something magical about creating something for the sake of creating. No money or deadlines to steer you. Each step is spontaneous.

Hmm… needs some ninjas.

Google & Pacman

Did you notice that you could actually play some Pacman on Google’s start page? Very slick usage of Java script… and multiplayer too!

Why do this?

My friend James Melcher asked me,

“I wanted to send you this question that popped into my head….( yes
it’s regarding your life at the present moment)

What’s the Gift in the Chaos?”

And my words came easily, though maybe not confidently…

“I feel as though I have stepped out of the illusion of stability in order to gain freedom. The freedom to do what I want to do, and the way I want to do it. Call me crazy, but I feel that as long as we are productive, we can do anything and make a living from it. Good intentions leading into useful innovations.”

Day 1 Ends

Today was the first day that Travis and I worked a full productive day in our (for lack of a better word) “studio”. Focused on the short film project today.

Now that our desks are assembled, hardware is plugged in and the online forums setup, we next have to get some local file sharing going (between Linux and Windows).

I am loving the freedom.  Plus, working side by side with Travis again is a blast. Slowly getting organized.  Thinking things through before committing to certain processes.

Weekly Digest – 2010-05-17

  • BC, be grateful you don't have Comcast. Over 2 hours, 6 phone numbers and 5 customer reps, who were all probably more frustrated than I. #

Just About Settled In

Thanks to Greg & Karen for having us over their house for a few nights. Such a calming experience to be by the lake, and playing catch with their labrador “Blue”.

Karen helped us get some household necessities and Greg helped pick up a little dining table set.  Travis drove me to out to purchase a TV/monitor (a Samsung 37″ LCD that buzzes) & some Ikea Jerker desks. On CraigsList I found a construction guy who came into possession of about 55 desks and was selling them off at $45 a piece.  When Travis saw the desks & the price, he also grabbed one. Lucky me!

I’ll be living near Seattle and working with Travis (and a few others) on a short film. 4 bedrooms gives us space to keep our “work” areas separate enough from our common rooms.  Travis took some pictures with my camera.  I’m hoping to put some interior photos up soon.

We are already getting to know the neighbours. Of special note is a gentleman we met yesterday who claims to have known Howard Hughes, who taught the gentleman how to fly…

…  oh… and there’s a labrador next door named “Yoda”.

Cecilia left for her cross-Canada road trip. She expects to be gone for almost a month. I’m sure the trip will be quite an adventure and I’m looking forward to seeing lots of updates in her blog. The heat is on… but I know it will a cold night. :\

Arrived in Seattle

After a week of  couch surfing and typing from my phone, we’ve finally arrived in Seattle. A few minutes ago I was just told that we can start moving into our house (renting). Unlike Vancouver, it was a little tricky finding a place in Kent, WA that rents month to month. All of our stuff is in storage… which has made us more aware of just how much stuff we have. Luckily, boxes of books are quite stackable. 😛 The short film is moving along slowly but surely. Travis and I will be kicking it in the ass, once I am down in Washington.

Anyhow.  Travis’s parents house is beautiful and we’ve woken up to this view for the past 2 mornings. Looks stressful, doesn’t it?  😉

Weekly Digest – 2010-05-03

Weekly Digest – 2010-04-26

  • : Great site for timed life drawing. Will certainly have to start using it. Thanks to Chris Woods for the link. #

Jesse Schell on Video Games of the Future

Weekly Digest – 2010-04-19

Weekly Digest – 2010-04-12

Weekly Digest – 2010-04-05

Weekly Digest – 2010-03-29


It’s been awhile since I last wrote anything about voxels, and I’m cooking up another update.  In the meantime, I just had to share this beauty of a vid.

Weekly Digest – 2010-03-22

Weekly Digest – 2010-03-08

  • "Pivot" : Stylized low poly chase this animated short. #
  • I'm officially a Linux (Ubuntu 9.10) guy. I'm the opposite of a pro, but it's officially my default operating system. #

Weekly Digest – 2010-03-01

Cecilia Sunden’s Olympic Ads

So far, we’ve found 8 billboards with Cecilia in the Olympic sweatshirt. Originally we were told she would be displayed on maybe a bus & a bus stop, but her photo has been popping up everywhere.
Today, Cecilia and I ran around with my Android phone and put some Google Buzz over the map of Vancouver. Unfortunately, there is not yet an easy way to view the Buzz locations without an Android phone, so I made a custom map that has some of the locations (that we have found, so far). This is some free advertising that too simple not to take advantage of it.

Don’t forget to click the spots to see photos of the actual billboards & if anyone spots any more billboards, please let us know!

View Cecilia’s Olympic Billboards in a larger map

Also, Cecilia also recently appeared in the newspaper of her hometown, Halmstad, Sweden.

Weekly Digest – 2010-02-22

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