
Work and Play

“A master in the art of living draws no sharp distinction between their work and their play; their labor and their leisure; their mind and their body; their education and their recreation. They hardly know which is which. They simply pursue their vision of excellence through whatever they are doing, and leave others to determine whether they are working or playing. To themselves, they always appear to be doing both.”

-Francoise Rene Auguste Chateaubriand

Video Stabilization in Linux

The left is the unstabilized video.  Right right was stabilized using the vid.stab plug-ins in transcode.

I use a few different processes for getting ride of the camera jitter from when hand-held shots, but I needed quicker methods for when I have a ton of videos to process.

I found that vid.stab has some plug-ins for transcode that are working great for me.  I followed the instructions here and then used the commands below to encode my videos.  Other than some of the quick jumps in the stabilized videos, the results are great (and fast). I’m noticing the jumps occur when objects in the background are being revealed, so I’ll have to fiddle with this in the future to see how I can clean these up.
transcode -J stabilize=shakiness=8:show=1,preview -i -y null,null -o dummy

transcode -J transform=smoothing=60 -i -y xvid -o mvi_3816_stable.avi

Weekly Digest – 2012-10-01

Weekly Digest – 2012-09-24

  • Hula hoop + GoPro camera = The Matrix "Bullet Time" effect, but with more belly button. [via Mo Bot] #

Weekly Digest – 2012-09-17

  • Rewiring the mind. I approved of these tips for unlearning undesirable habits and learning better new ones. : #
  • The next version of this running robotic cheetah will be able to snatch frisbes from the air. [via Mo Bot] #

Weekly Digest – 2012-09-10

Weekly Digest – 2012-09-03

Weekly Digest – 2012-08-27

  • I finally saw "Garbage Warrior". Documentary on a man's vision of sustainable housing. #

Two Acre Shaker

Two Acre Shaker - morning after

Just read this summary of the Two Acre Shaker party we were at on Saturday night.  Was a great party, despite all the hurdles listed, which included us getting there late (11pm).  DJ Woody is one hell of a turntablist.

We had lightning, we had fire, we had a full power outage that stretched all the way to Whistler, and we had the worst plague of mosquitos that the locals had seen in over a decade. A Llamapocalypse was truly upon us! I haven’t seen that much drama since Degrassi Junior High went off the air, and I’m just happy that we all made it through unscathed – hangovers notwithstanding.

For quite a few reasons, I will probably never forget this night.

Weekly Digest – 2012-08-20

Weekly Digest – 2012-08-13

Weekly Digest – 2012-08-06

Amelie In The Empty Lot

A pleasant trip to Crystal Beach, visiting a friend’s cottage, was followed by a welcome surprise.

As we walked up to my loft, I could hear French being spoken through loudspeakers.  I ducked through a hole in the fence and saw a few dozen people in lawn-chairs watching Amelie on a huge inflatable screen.  The strings of lights overhead were also a new addition to this vacant lot that, only a few days before, had tall grass and garbage strewn about.

We set down a blanket and watched the rest of the movie, having missed the first 15 minutes (you can’t have everything).

And I wasn’t wearing my glasses… yet I could still read the subtitles…  for about 1/2 of it…   when I wasn’t playing with the contact juggling ball or taking photos.  😀

Weekly Digest – 2012-07-30

“Cloud Atlas” – Reading Book Before Film

I received goose-bumps no less than 3 times during the newly released trailer for Cloud Atlas, being directed by the Wochowski Brothers (“The Matrix”) and Tom Tykwer (“Run Lola Run”). Yeah, 3 directors. Here’s a link to the trailer and commentary.

Last month, I was in a tea shop where someone noticed me looking at this book on the shelf. They immediately started telling me about the story, which is of connectedness that stretches from the past and into the far future. I was allowed to borrow the book to read… but haven’t started it yet.

Today I finished two books I was in the process of reading… both books dealing with the subconscious.  My eyes were exhausted, and I promptly passed out. After my nap, I woke up to see this trailer at the top of my FB feed.

I *think* today would be a good day to start reading Cloud Atlas.

P.S.   I even I loved the Wochowski brother’s Speed Racer movie.

Weekly Digest – 2012-07-23

Weekly Digest – 2012-07-16

  • Probably my favorite art collective. Introduced to me through spiritual connections in Vancouver. Sacred art! #
  • Bizarre animations? I've seen a many, but rarely do they effect me so strongly. Maybe it's the synth music. #
  • Leaving skid marks all over San Fran. The word "badass" comes to mind. #
  • Telekinetic kids… sweet! Another time where I wish that music videos had sequels. #repost #

Weekly Digest – 2012-07-09


Vacationing Stormtroopers and spiraling blood cells are what have been keeping me busy lately (in 3D animation). I’ve become proficient with the mouse in the left hand. While at my desk, I’m constantly moving from standing to sitting. Balance is being maintained.

This past weekend I met a man who lives in the woods with his wife, a yoga teacher. He burned out from the TV industry and quickly removed his dependence on glasses. We had a few other significant experiences sync up.

The preview of his documentary sent my head spinning… literally. “inspired”, is one way to put it. My lenses have been altered further and I like what I see.

Weekly Digest – 2012-07-02

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