Sometimes I laugh at myself. There’s a comfort in there I suppose. The comfort comes from the realization that everything will be ok. Specifically, I’m referring to my delay in posting anything from my sketchbook. I’ve delayed and delayed… and only not getting around to doing this. Will I actually save this entry and follow through? If I don’t, I’ll just give myself more to laugh at… and I don’t think the joke is funny anymore.

So, I’ll start here. The first entry in the green book. My visual diary. Most viewers will not find any significance in this, but I accept that… and I’m not going to let that thought delay me sharing. If you get something from this.. AWESOME. If not, well… I’ll keep trying. 😉

I have to digitize this work, because I’m not sure how much longer I can carry these sketchbooks around. I seem to have stayed as a floater. These work permits and immigration issues constantly hover over my head and I’m not sure where I’m supposed to live, month to month. Maybe sharing this stuff is to make sure it doesn’t get lost forever. So please, if you find something significant, feel free to right-click the image and save it locally. These sketches are free… but who knows when the web-hosting will run out.

Anyhow, here’s the first…