Jeremy’s bookshelf: read

Fahrenheit 451
The Shining
Fight Club
The Bell Jar
Many Lives, Many Masters: The True Story of a Prominent Psychiatrist, His Young Patient, and the Past Life Therapy That Changed Both Their Lives
Ender's Game
Ender's Shadow
Preacher, Volume 1: Gone To Texas
Preacher, Volume 2: Until the End of the World
Preacher, Volume 4: Ancient History
The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen, Vol. 2
V for Vendetta
The Hobbit: Or There and Back Again
2001: A Space Odyssey
2010: Odyssey Two
2061: Odyssey Three
The Program for Better Vision: How to See Better in Minutes a Day: Without Glasses or Contacts!
Seeing Without Glasses : A Step-By-Step Approach To Improving Eyesight Naturally
Slippage: Previously Uncollected, Precariously Poised Stories
3001 The Final Odyssey

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